Billing overview

Billing is a representation of the customer bills and payments related to that offer.

Billing schema

idUnique identifier (UUID)String
amount_centsFull amount of that billing in centsInteger
due_dayDay that the customer will be charged monthlyInteger
installmentsTotal of bills that will be createdInteger
statusBilling status, waiting_payment, active, finished, canceled. A billing is active when the first bill is paid, finished when all bills are paidString
cancelation_reasonDescription of why that billing is canceledString
finished_atTimestamp of when that billing was finishedString
payment_configurationPayment Configuration associated with that billingObject
billsArray of bills from that billingArray
created_atIndicates when the record was created in iso8601String
updated_atIndicates when the record was last updated in iso8601String

Cancelation reasons

down_payment_not_paidThe billing was charged but the customer did not pay the first bill
refunded_by_companyThe company requested a refund for that billing
refunded_by_customerThe customer requested a chargeback
customer_renegotiationThe billing was canceled due a renegotiation with the customer
customer_dropout_with_fineThe billing was canceled due a dropout, but the customer still have to pay a fine
customer_dropoutThe billing was canceled due a dropout without any fine