Offer overview

Offers allow you to create price variations for your products. Here’s an example:

Product A (R$ 1,000.00)

  • Offer 1: Price: R$ 1,000.00 (0% discount)
  • Offer 2: Price: R$ 900.00 (10% discount)

Additionally, different payment methods can be set up for offers of the same product:

Product B

  • Offer 1: Boleto, Pix, and Boleto parcelado
  • Offer 2: Boleto parcelado and Parcelamento inteligente (financed credit card)

Each offer has its own payment options, determined by the payment_configurations sent in the request. Note that certain fields in these configurations have restrictions, which can be found in the Payment Configurations section.

Offer schema

idUnique identifier (UUID)String
nameThe name of your productString
availabilityIndicates the availability of the offer, it can be enabled or disabled.String
amount_centsFull price in centsInteger
product_idProduct’s IDString
payment_configurationsList of Payment ConfigurationsString
created_atIndicates when the record was created in iso8601String
updated_atIndicates when the record was last updated in iso8601String
expires_atoffer should expire. After expiration, it will no longer be accessible to customers and cannot be reactivatedString