Order overview
The order represents a sale, its a link between offer and the customer.
Order schema
Field | Description | Type |
id | Unique identifier (UUID) | String |
status | Represents the status of that order, in_progress , finished , canceled | String |
cancelation_reason | Represents the reason why the order is canceled | String |
translated_cancelation_reason | The translated cancelation reason in portuguese | String |
customer_name | Name of the customer who purchased the offer | String |
customer_birthdate | Birthdate of the customer who purchased the offer | String |
customer_document | CPF or CNPJ of the customer who purchased the offer | String |
customer_type | Represent the type of the customer, it can be a person or a company | String |
email | Customer’s email | String |
phone | Customer’s phone | String |
offer | Purchased offer | Object |
address | Customer’s address | Object |
billings | Array of billings of that order | Array |
analyses | Array of analyses of that order | Array |
metadata | Metadata field to store any data | Hash |
url | Order’s checkout URL | String |
finished_at | Indicates whe the order was transited to finished | String |
created_at | Indicates when the record was created in iso8601 | String |
updated_at | Indicates when the record was last updated in iso8601 | String |
Cancelation reasons
Field | Description |
expired | The order was created but no charge were executed |
analysis_denied | One or more analysis were not approved |
analysis_failed | We could not analyse the current CPF |
down_payment_not_paid | The order was charged but the customer did not pay the first bill |
refunded_by_company | The company requested a refund for that order |
refunded_by_customer | The customer requested a chargeback |
customer_renegotiation | The order was canceled due a renegotiation with the customer |
customer_dropout_with_fine | The order was canceled due a dropout, but the customer still have to pay a fine |
customer_dropout | The order was canceled due a dropout without any fine |