Order overview

The order represents a sale, its a link between offer and the customer.

Order schema

idUnique identifier (UUID)String
statusRepresents the status of that order, in_progress, finished, canceledString
cancelation_reasonRepresents the reason why the order is canceledString
translated_cancelation_reasonThe translated cancelation reason in portugueseString
customer_nameName of the customer who purchased the offerString
customer_birthdateBirthdate of the customer who purchased the offerString
customer_documentCPF or CNPJ of the customer who purchased the offerString
customer_typeRepresent the type of the customer, it can be a person or a companyString
emailCustomer’s emailString
phoneCustomer’s phoneString
offerPurchased offerObject
addressCustomer’s addressObject
billingsArray of billings of that orderArray
analysesArray of analyses of that orderArray
metadataMetadata field to store any dataHash
urlOrder’s checkout URLString
finished_atIndicates whe the order was transited to finishedString
created_atIndicates when the record was created in iso8601String
updated_atIndicates when the record was last updated in iso8601String

Cancelation reasons

expiredThe order was created but no charge were executed
analysis_deniedOne or more analysis were not approved
analysis_failedWe could not analyse the current CPF
down_payment_not_paidThe order was charged but the customer did not pay the first bill
refunded_by_companyThe company requested a refund for that order
refunded_by_customerThe customer requested a chargeback
customer_renegotiationThe order was canceled due a renegotiation with the customer
customer_dropout_with_fineThe order was canceled due a dropout, but the customer still have to pay a fine
customer_dropoutThe order was canceled due a dropout without any fine