Product overview

A product represents the core entity that our partner intends to sell through our platform. It serves as the foundation for creating offers, which are the final entities exposed for purchase.

Product schema

idUnique identifier (UUID)String
nameThe name of your productString
availabilityIndicates the availability of the offer, it can be enabled or disabled.String
full_amount_centsFull price in centsInteger
descriptionDescription of your productString
duration_in_hoursNumber of hours of your product (in case of being a course)Integer
access_periodType of access your client has, it can be: days, period, lifetimeString
duration_in_daysPresent if access_period is daysInteger
start_datePresent if access_period is periodString
end_datePresent if access_period is periodString
formatted_access_periodHumanized access_periodString
companyCompany from that productObject
kindIndicates what is the type of that productObject
created_atIndicates when the record was created in iso8601String
updated_atIndicates when the record was last updated in iso8601String
metadataA field to store additional informationObject